all in all
all in all
all in all
everything reflecting
everything reflecting
everything reflecting
bridging the self
bridging the self
bridging the self
thought fields print series i

this series of prints are still images from thought fields : a work created by artist and writer mollie caffey 
hosted by the online publication the HTML Review

thought fields is an entire world comprised of three realms, each center on their own visual diagram of a conceptual framework and communicate through distinct aesthetics in relation to the framework.

“series i” are prints of those three centrifugal frameworks, they could be called “mind maps” or “schematics.” 
they are philosophical, ontological, theoretical attempts at synthesizing all the phenomenon of existence from a human perspective. 

below the image is a caption written by the artist - a poetic and prosaic proposals to reach further into the work; 
to perceive beyond the singular frame of the print: the very intention of thought fields itself.

each thought reads :

all in all :
trying to make sense of how everything came to be: imagine this entire image as a sphere and all of these points are spheres and you can go inside each sphere and from inside you can see back out to the surrounding sphere and all around you are spheres and you can go inside of those too; you atoms and atmospheres, thought fields, 2024

everything reflecting :
it’s the split: imagined / reality, what happens/ what is and how to make sense and meaning of it and that the most durational symbols and signs and stories revolve around the question of origin and how that make sense of that which is outside of human control: weather, celestial movements, the coming and going of life, thought fields, 2024

bridging the self :
if feelings are made conscious it is possible to observe patterns and to locate their point of origin physically and temporally to then separate the present from past or possible experiences which can create internal space for choosing rather than impulse or habitual reaction and choice allows for personal autonomy, thought fields, 2024

newsprint, 12” x 18” 

each print is available to purchase individually or as the entire series :